"Lets make like a branch and get the fuck out of here" - Shane O'Neill

So I'm in a job that frustrates the Jaysus out of me, paying through the nose for an apartment in skagsville, drink with the same gobshites every week and support a football club that disappoint me more than when Ghostbusters was cancelled from that ideal Saturday morning slot as a youngfella.

So what do you do? Grab your mate, leggit and don't look back!

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Only in the Chili-pines....

The less said about Kuala Lumpur, the better. Jumped off the flight and had a wander but it was pretty crappy, even though we had only spent one night there, it didn't really live up to the expectations I had before I left beautiful Dublin. We were up early so an early one was had and we went to catch the first of two trains that would take a total of 38 hours to arrive in Bangkok. Whopper.

13 hours on the first train to Butterworth playing solitare with a load of kids standing around staring as if we were shooting up on gear or something. There's not a lot left to say about the journey, the train resembles the DART (Dublin Area Rapid Transit for the foreign readers) mainly due to the fact it's falling apart, has green seats and smells of pish.

Just when you think things cannot get worse, we arrive in Butterworth. The name doesn't really describe the place that well. It sounds like a place full of Grandfathers treats, but instead was THE most boring place I have ever had the displeasure of visiting. Nobody spoke to each other around the place and when we got to the "hotel" we were staying in, I wanted to top meself. Easily the worst place we had stayed in seven and a half weeks floating around. It was soul destroying. Cockroaches, cold water and no lights weren't the problem, it was the fact they didn't have a pub or even a "bottleshop" (sorry it's what they call it here in upsidedownland)
as well as having nowhere, literally nowhere within walking distance for food, every single shop was closed and we could count the dead dogs we met on the walk around.  Fuck-ing awful. I actually am struggling to put it int words..... AAARGGGGHHH!!!!

So thankfully we woke up the next day and I have never been so thankful to get out of this disaster of a place.

I've just realized how dreadful this entry has been, but it's not all bad, because it brought me back down to earth a bit and made me thankful about how great it had been so far and how lucky I had been, also thought about everyone back home who couldn't go do what I had just done for whatever reason and also, made me happy for what lay ahead, as I thought of certain people (one in particular) who would never ever get the chance to do this so I was going to make the most of it, for both of us.

So, I laughed off the previous few days, got on the 11am train set for Bangkok Thailand, cracked a Singha beer and laughed again...

Next stop, Khosan Road, Bangkok. The lunacy begins here.

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